
SeekTeachers™ Blog is your official source of information, opinion, expertise and experience on international teaching jobs. It’s also an employers exploration of chronicles and conversations of what professional educators are discussing to prepare and facilitate newcomers to their nursery, school, college or university. Travel the world, explore cultures, teach and make some money. To find your next international teaching job, click here


Preparing for an Interview

Great I have an interview, but..

What do I do? What do I need? What should I prepare?

These questions no doubt will enter your mind especially if you're Newly Qualified Teacher looking for your first teaching job abroad. In fact middle and senior managers would also be thinking these questions if they are going to foreign territory.

So the first thing to note is what format the interview is.  It can be on of the following
  1. Face-to-face (recruitment drive or recruitment fair)
  2. Web conference (Skype)
  3. Telephone
Face-to-Face Interviews

It goes without saying that if the interview is a face-to-face, your personal appearance is crucial as it would set the stage before you begin answering questions, so ensure you dressed well, smell well and be professional.  Recruitment fairs can be extremely busy places and with hundreds of teacher being interviews you really do need to create an impression so being presentable is key.  Ideally be dressed in a suit.

Key points:
  • The more you make yourself look professional and well-groomed, the greater your first impression will be to the employer.
  • Be sure you arrive early and make sure you have a map of where the interviews are being held.
  • Come with a portfolio of evidence
Web Conference Interviews

This is the next best thing to face-to-face interviews as employers don't have to be physically be in the same location as you but you can still see each other and get a feel for you.  Again be well-groomed and come across professional. Do NOT come dressed casually thinking you're interviewing from your house and you can be as you want.  That first impression is crucial! You will most likely need to download Skype and set up a Skype Account.  Best of all its FREE!

Key Points:
  • Check your equipment is working and there is no technical glitch with your web camera or Skype software
  • Be early
  • Make sure you have your resume with you.
  • Make sure you have sample evidence of work with you e.g. lesson plan, observation notes etc
Telephone interview

Again this could feel strange for some as you have to be on the ball when answering the question and you personally don't get to see or get a feel for your employer.  However, again its crucial your early on the phone and have aback up solution in case you have phone problems.

Key Points:
  • Be early and check there are no phone issues
  • Have you resume with you
  • do some homework on the school
Some of you may be wondering I have mentioned a portfolio but what should I include in this? Below are things we highly recommend you prepare to have to create a top impression:
  1. Front page cover with your name and subject you teach
  2. A table of contents
  3. A copy of your resume/CV
  4. Degree Qualification(s)
  5. Teaching Qualification(s)
  6. Good observations which have been carried out on you
  7. Photos highlighting you top work
  8. Lesson plans & SoW
  9. Resources you have created
  10. Testimonials from students and fellow colleagues
  11. References from previous employers
  12. Evidence of CPD
  13. Powerpoint presentation
These are just some of the things you can prepare and get together before your interview.

Please note certain countries may have any eye for specific information they are looking for.  Any experienced teachers in different parts of the world who would like to comment or add to that list can do so

I wish you every success in preparing for your interview and if there is anything specific you would like covered let me know


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